When learning and divulging into the Eight Values of Free Expression, Promoting Tolerance and Promoting Innovation stood out most to me.
Promoting tolerance can be referred to as the ‘tolerant society: freedom of speech and extremist speech.’ The theory was developed by Leo Bollinger, a lawyer, and former Columbia University president. Promoting tolerance allows actions to have consequences and remembers that ignorant people can’t be controlled. The theory explores the fact that freedom of speech creates a more tolerant society, and a more tolerant society is a better society.
Promoting innovation is referred to as living originalism, which revolves around a community in which free speech is valued and protected. When living in a community like this, you are more likely to be creative, be energized, and make a difference. With a higher number of people in society promoting innovation, silenced communities are more likely to shift and be more successful.
Promoting tolerance and promoting innovation are both closely linked to our society today. Social media is a space where I see this the most. Places like Twitter or Facebook are both platforms that allow freedom of speech with very few limitations. When society has a place where they can openly share ideas, share their life (even if lived uniquely), and speak their mind, it gives everyone the chance to become more tolerant. Some of the opinions shared could be controversial, they could be very different from the life you live, but they can also open your mind. Giving society this platform also promotes innovation because it gives a free space to brainstorm, research, and connect with others.
Social media is not the only place that I see promoting tolerance and promoting innovating thrive in society. I believe that promoting tolerance and promoting innovation also help build on human connection and relationships. Promoting tolerance gives a space for open conversation and understanding of differences. It encourages you to think beyond who you are and what you think is normal, and allow others to express that about themselves. Promoting innovation is a great place to share knowledge and collaborate on ideas, and this can grow your social and creative skills.
Promoting tolerance and promoting innovation go hand in hand. Being more innovative and open can grow our skills in tolerance. Being more tolerant allows us to hold each other to a high standard. By doing so, it adds competition to the innovative minds, and competition can only fuel innovation to be better. Promoting tolerance helps you gain the skills to speak/listen/respond in spaces where opinions, thoughts, and values are shared without the fear of discrimination, disagreement, or limitations. Having this space provides a spot for originalism and innovation to shine. Something I feel our society can tend to lack nowadays is a sense of togetherness. I feel society is far too divided, and because of this, I think that the pairing of promoting tolerance and promoting innovation are the two most crucial values in the eight values of free expression.
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