Sunday, October 22, 2023

Net Neutrality

The Impact of Neutrality

Net neutrality really peaked my interest while seeing the classes EOTO’s on policy. I was curious about it and its deeper effects that the presentation didn’t touch on.

Net neutrality is an issue that consists of the idea that internet service providers should treat all internet traffic equal. When net neutrality is used, it makes sure that your ISP doesn’t only speed up certain traffics, and allows everyone access to open internet. Net Neutrality stuck out to me because of its ties with freedom and privacy, two very important subjects we’ve spoke about throughout this course. 

Like described in the presentation, the political side of net neutrality can be concerning. Throughout different presidencies, different orders have been made trying to make changes to net neutrality. I try to stay open minded when it comes to political issues, but I feel access to internet is something very important in society today. 

In terms of net neutrality and its connection with privacy, I see it connect in terms of ensuring that there aren’t unreasonable blocks and restrictions imposed on internet users without explanation. 

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